On 9/1/15 9:45 PM, tony duell wrote:
I could, but the point is to run 1972 Unix on machine that was around
in 1972, even if I have emulate things like the RF disks.
Except that the MEM11 wasn't around in 1972.
I think the point here, is that much of the hardware that is necessary
to run Unix V1 on an
11/20 is unobtainium. Therefor, if one wants to run Unix V1 on 11/20
hardware, there is
going to be, by necessity, some compromises made. Witness the previous
discussion on
the IBM 1620 where the core memory has been replaced with a modern
equivalent in order
to allow it to work. I view this in a similar vein.
I also think that given the historical significance of both Unix V1 and
the 11/20, this is a
worthwhile endeavor.
TTFN - Guy