On 9/1/15 10:10 PM, tony duell wrote:
I could, but the point is to run 1972 Unix on machine that was around
in 1972, even if I have emulate things like the RF disks.
Except that the MEM11 wasn't around in 1972.
I think the point here, is that much of the hardware that is necessary
to run Unix V1 on an
11/20 is unobtainium. Therefor, if one wants to run Unix V1 on 11/20
hardware, there is
I don't think you are running Unix V1 on 11/20 hardware here. An 11/20 CPU,
sure, but a computer system is not just the CPU.
going to be, by necessity, some compromises made. Witness the previous
Remaking the missing hardware following the original designs and using
close to the original is one thing. A functional emulator is something quite
The 11/20 in 1972 did not (AFAIK) use any programmable logic chips, for example.
Do let me know when you've got a production line going for a new RS11.
Until then, I suppose the MEM11 will have to do...
- Josh