On 2015-09-05 00:31, Holm Tiffe wrote:
Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2015-09-04 20:31, Holm Tiffe wrote:
Mike Stein wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Johnny Billquist" <b...@update.uu.se>
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 12:52 PM

On 2015-09-04 08:01, Holm Tiffe wrote:

Hmm.. I see, I must be the only one that has
ever seen a DSSI disk...

Thanks to all that haven't answered.

You do understand that noone is *required* to
help, do you? This message really sends the
wrong impression, and rubs me the wrong way...

People try to help, as best as they can. When
you are not getting help, just accept that
people either cannot help, or do not have time
to help. No point in sulking or posting
provoking messages to try and get more results.

Right on. As a matter of fact, instead of getting
*more* results, alienating people with rude and
sarcastic comments just might persuade someone who
could/would have helped you the next time to not
bother taking the time...


...but I think all that is much better than silence.

Really? Getting people to put you in their kill file is going to make
things even more silent for you...


He Johnny, clam down.

There was _NO_ Answer at all.

Yes. And what is your problem with that? Noone answered, so live with it.

Did you mean that it is better for me that people that doesn't
answer me additionaly can't read my messages?
Does this make any difference?

What the hell? There is no indication that people can't read your messages. You have gotten plenty of answers in the past. In addition, you can yourself also see that your messages reached the list. If you do not get an answer, it is because people either do not have an answer, or else do not want to answer.

Trying to offend them by being sarcastic will most likely not get you any more answers. However, it do show, to others reading, that you are pretty much expecting and demanding that people respond to your posts. Which is a rather child-like behavior. We are not here to satisfy your needs.

Im 52 years old (as you know) and already had my first heart attac last
year so don't tell me that I sould behave more adult.
Possibly I don't have so much time left that I can wait any time.

Who knows how much time they have left. Does that make it ok to offend anyone else who is not responding to your every demand? I think not. You are free to disagree, but in that case I will definitely ignore you.

Let me live the rest of my time like a child playing with old computers,
that's exactly why we are here; nothing else matters.

I know that people trying to help, trust me, I'm doing that in other,
cases with other people too and there are other people that pissing me
off. But: I don't have a killfile.

I do have a killfile. If people start offending me, or being generally obnoxious, I am obviously not going to change them, nor do I care enough to actually waste my time doing that. My time is precious enough to me as it is. So the obvious solution is to just ignore them from that point on. They can go on ranting about how unfair people are to them, and I do not have to read it.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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