On 2015-09-05 12:10, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Holm. You may call it whatever you want.

I found your comments insulting. And following your advice I'll not
ignore you. Have fun.




On 2015-09-05 09:00, Holm Tiffe wrote:
Johnny Billquist wrote:


He Johnny, clam down.

There was _NO_ Answer at all.

Yes. And what is your problem with that? Noone answered, so live with

Did you mean that it is better for me that people that doesn't
answer me additionaly can't read my messages?
Does this make any difference?

What the hell? There is no indication that people can't read your
messages. You have gotten plenty of answers in the past. In addition,
you can yourself also see that your messages reached the list.
If you do not get an answer, it is because people either do not have an
answer, or else do not want to answer.

Trying to offend them by being sarcastic will most likely not get you
any more answers. However, it do show, to others reading, that you are
pretty much expecting and demanding that people respond to your posts.
Which is a rather child-like behavior. We are not here to satisfy your

Johnny, If you think we should fight over the same thing every time,
please continue. This is exactly the same topic as in the port-vax list
2 or 3 years before. Otherwise (using your words): live with it.

Im 52 years old (as you know) and already had my first heart attac last
year so don't tell me that I sould behave more adult.
Possibly I don't have so much time left that I can wait any time.

Who knows how much time they have left. Does that make it ok to offend
anyone else who is not responding to your every demand?
I think not. You are free to disagree, but in that case I will
definitely ignore you.

What I have done?
I was sarcastic, that was all.
There where no insulting words in my mail.

What I have reached with that?
Besides of your opinion about my childishness, there where other answers
that where at least interresting. (Thanks to Dave and Richard at this
I've subscribed comp.os.vms in the meantime but think I meet the same
people there)

Let me live the rest of my time like a child playing with old
that's exactly why we are here; nothing else matters.

I know that people trying to help, trust me, I'm doing that in other,
cases with other people too and there are other people that pissing me
off. But: I don't have a killfile.

I do have a killfile. If people start offending me, or being generally
obnoxious, I am obviously not going to change them, nor do I care enough
to actually waste my time doing that. My time is precious enough to me
as it is.
So the obvious solution is to just ignore them from that point on. They
can go on ranting about how unfair people are to them, and I do not have
to read it.



"When people start offending me.." ... read was I wrote and read again
what you wrote.

"I am obviously not going to change them" .. but this is exactly what you
trying to do here.

Sorry for being "obnoxious":
My Answer to your answer in this thread was "Yes", accepting what our
wrote to me, now the thing was done for me.  I knew why I only wrote

So from my point of view you don't wanted the discussion to be completed,
so that seems to be your hobby. You are looking a little bit like an
choleric from here, may be I'm the only one that feels like this.
Besides of that I know that you are an clever fellow and you trying to
help if you can. So if that aren't your shoes, why the heck your trying
to wear them?

About the killfile:

I think I'm a "strong enough personality" so I don't think the computer
should decide for me if I should read something or not. On the other side
I'm trying to help people if I can, even if the pissed on my shoes in the
past and sometimes enemies are turning into friends over time. No, don't
need no killfile on my side. Don't get me wrong, that's no technical
problem this time, we all get tons of spam mails and most of us have
mechanisms to prevent spam from appearing in the inbox. I'm a small
company of my own and the usual mechanisms for that are installed an
no problem to add folks there but I prefer deciding myself.

Back to the topic:

I think it where much more helpful to answer things like "Sorry don't
never had todo with that", vs.  simply saying nothing at all, leaving
the man that looks for help alone. Maybe that's only my point of view,
maybe not.

about my intention: When I ask for help or opinions, I need that help
or opinion, since I can't find a way tho clear the problem on my own.
So Dave Wade isn't totally wrong with that what he thinks about my post.
Maybe not "a cry of desperation" maybe more "helllo...is there anyone
out there..?"

Now, after that many text about "Role of Meaning" is it just me that
thinks that the time where better to be used for clearing technical



Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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