On 18 September 2015 at 18:25, Dave G4UGM <dave.g4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are you 100 % sure you don't need anti-malware...
> http://appleinsider.com/articles/15/08/05/apple-to-patch-actively-exploited-privilege-escalation-bug-in-os-x-10105---report
> from what I have seen the fix from Apple isn't a fix...
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/22/os_x_root_hole/
> but to run SUID. Of course as you know from Facebook I am not a MAC expert, 
> but I do know that if a product has as many lines of code in it as OS X it 
> will have bugs and security holes...

Well, overall, yes.

It's a Unix box. If it was a web server or something, it would be
remotely exploitable, like any other Unix box.

But it's not. It has no outwardly-accessible services at all -- it's
behind a firewall and all it does is share a single folder with my
laptops. It doesn't even have ssh. It isn't a mail server, web server
or anything.

There are a few Trojans on OS X, but I think I am smart enough to avoid them.

There's no adware, no spyware (except what Apple might have built in),
no self-infecting viruses, nothing. I don't use most of Apple's apps
-- I don't use their browser, email client, chat client, or
productivity tools; I very occasionally use their media player and
their text editor, and that's about it. The Apple text editor isn't
the default, incidentally.

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
MSN: lpro...@hotmail.com • Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
Cell/Mobiles: +44 7939-087884 (UK) • +420 702 829 053 (ČR)

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