On 01/15/2016 08:09 AM, Robo58 wrote:
Hi Folks,

I have many diskettes worth of CP/M 2.2 assembler source code and programs
that I'd like to archive in the PC environment.  I'm worried that my media
is degrading and I want to move it before it's too late.

The media is mostly 8" SD or DD, there are also some 5.25" HD diskettes too.

I have the original hardware and can view the media and run the programs.

I'm looking for suggestions on how to move it to the PC environment.

Got a console serial port on the CP/M system? You should be able to use a program like Kermit to suck up the files. Probably log a file list, edit the file list to only have source files, and then you can get that into Kermit to make the CP/M system type out the files, and Kermit will log them to individual files. I've never done this, but I think kermit was specially designed to make this easy to do.

I'm guessing a few other terminal programs have the same sort of capability to run scripts to send commands to a foreign OS and log the result.


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