<Das Vintage Computing Festival Berlin (VCFB) ist eine Veranstaltung rund um 
historische Computer und Rechentechnik>
The Vintage Computing - Berlin (VCFB) is an event for collectors of old 
computers and calculators.

<Mit Ausstellungen, Vorträgen und Workshops soll das Hobby "" vorgestellt und 
der Spaß daran vermittelt werden. ?
There are exhibits, lectures and workshops to show what the Vintage Computer 
has to offer and the fun to be had.

Ziel des VCFBs ist es, den Erhalt und die Pflege historischer Computer und 
anderer (E)DV-Gerätschaften zu fördern und das Interesse an "überflüssiger" 
Hard- und Software zu wecken. 

The objective of the VCF-B is to encourage the collection and restoration of 
old computers and other equipment by those with just a passing interest. 

Unter die Inhalte des VCFBs fallen nicht nur historische Computer, sondern z.B. 
auch historische Betriebssysteme, Software, Programmiersprachen, 
Netzwerktechnik und andere Geräte, die rechnen, wie z.B. historische 
Taschenrechner und Rechenmaschinen.
Included in the range of items covered by VCF-B are not only old computers but 
office machines, Software, Programming Languages, Networking and other 
equipment including pocket and office calculators.  

I think that's what it says


----Original message----
>From : stuebera...@yahoo.de
Date : 06/04/2016 - 23:56 (GMTDT)
To : cctalk@classiccmp.org
Subject : VCF Europe, April 30th - May 1st, Munich + registration for VCF Berlin

Hi list,

the 17th edition of VCF Europe[0] is coming soon! It will take place on
April 30th and May 1st in Munich, Germany. Please be aware that the
information on the English version of the website might be outdated or
less detailed than on the German page, but Google Translate will help.

Also the registration for VCF Berlin[1] in October is open now. We are
looking for speakers, workshop instructors and exhibitors, both for the
regular exhibition and this year's special exhibition on computers and
languages. It will be open for visitors on Sunday, 2nd and Monday, 3rd
of October, as the 3rd October is a public holiday in Germany, but we
are thinking about inviting people to build up on Friday already and
using Saturday, 1st of October as a day just for the participants and
the community. This way there would be more time to talk and see the
other exhibitions. Maybe we could even offer advanced workshops on
Saturday. Come and visit us! Ping me if you need a place to stay.

Regards, Anke

[0] http://vcfe.org/E/index.html
[1] http://vcfb.de/2016/index.html.en

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