On 2016-May-16, at 10:41 AM, Chuck Guzis wrote:

> On 05/16/2016 09:47 AM, Brent Hilpert wrote:
>> http://www.studiofynn.com/design/computer-server-panda
> How do these differ in substance from the ASUS Vento (a real product
> from 2005) that I cited days ago?
> https://www.asus.com/websites/global/products/2zMfr955ALh3EoZJ/TA-36_three.gif

I'm not a proponent either way, but I guess the difference is the 
panda/archistrat was 10 years earlier and breaking the monoscape of the beige 
boxes, while the
Vento was following a 7-year-old trend initiated by the iMac.

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