On 2016-May-16, at 9:08 AM, Sean Caron wrote:
> On Sat, 14 May 2016, Mike Ross wrote:
>> Companies other than SGI did 'interesting' colors. Here's something
>> really obscure; bonus points to anyone who can identify it just from
>> the photo. No cheating! And treble points for anyone who HAS one. A
>> Prince's ransom if you have one for sale :-)   -
>> http://www.d1.dion.ne.jp/~r_high/memorial/panda/boxes.gif
> Nobody bit and my curiousity is definitely piqued ... what are those things?


Found with some judicious googling.
I guess that's cheating, so no prize for me.

Seems to have been purely a design concept, not a product.

It's mentioned a couple times under EXHIBITIONS, AWARDS AND PUBLICATIONS here: 

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