On 2016-05-26 2:32 PM, Diane Bruce wrote:
On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 06:19:51PM +0100, Rod Smallwood wrote:
On 26/05/2016 17:48, Fred Cisin wrote:
On Thu, 26 May 2016, Brent Hilpert wrote:
A friend notice this in the news, I heard it mentioned on the radio
this morning too:

A friend of mine had a collection of PDP-8s years ago during the 70s.
Ontario Hydro asked him if he could sell them a few. I always wondered
what they were doing with them, today I think I found out.


Yeah the Bruce plant used to run on PDP-8s, a friend of mine worked there on a work term in University, he told me they had a garage full of PDP-8s for spares. I would imagine when Bruce was refurbished they where replaced with something more modern. The Pickering plant was run by IBM 1800 as where some of the coal fired plants.


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