On 2016-May-29, at 2:13 AM, Mike Ross wrote:
> On May 29, 2016 2:44 PM, "Noel Chiappa" <j...@mercury.lcs.mit.edu> wrote:
>>> From: drlegendre
>>> Gawd, what a lovely piece of work that man hath wrought!
>> I love the term he invented for it: "dis-integrated circuit"! :-)
>> Good FAQ page here:
>>  http://www.monster6502.com/
>> My favourite entry:
>> "Q: Are you nuts?
>> A: Probably."
>> Clearly a person after our own hearts! :-)
>>        Noel
> I'm sure I read of someone who was implementing an entire CPU as discrete
> components on an even larger size... there were racks of the thing; it took
> up most of a room.
> But I can't find the link....

This one?:

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