On Jul 30, 2016, at 10:26 AM, Douglas Taylor <dj.tayl...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On 7/29/2016 10:30 PM, Jerry Weiss wrote:
>> On Jul 29, 2016, at 8:30 PM, Zane Healy <heal...@aracnet.com> wrote:
>>>> On Jul 29, 2016, at 6:08 PM, Douglas Taylor <dj.tayl...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> I just got a MicroVax II in the BA123 world box chassis.  I has a TK50, 
>>>> RX50, RXDQ2, but no DEQNA.  I'd like to get it running an OS.
>>>> The DU disks don't work, but I have a couple of Qbus SCSI controllers that 
>>>> might come in handy.
>>>> Can you use those SD to SCSI convertors in this type of configuration?  
>>>> Anyone have experience with this?
>>>> What OS's can I use with this hardware?  NetBSD?  Are versions of VMS 
>>>> available?  How do you get an OS onto this system?
>>> The all around best choice would be VAX/VMS v5.5-2.  You can get Hobbyist 
>>> licenses.  The OS was available as part of the Hobbyist program.  If you 
>>> add a SCSI adapter, you can hopefully attach a CD.  IIRC, it will run up to 
>>> either v7.2 or 7.3, at least I know I had v7.2 on a MicroVAX III (well, 
>>> technically I still do, if it will boot).
>>> Ultrix would also be available.
>>> What I did though was I gave it a brain transplant, and converted mine to a 
>>> PDP-11 once I got a better VAX.
>>> I need to invest in a couple of those SD adapters myself.  I’d really like 
>>> to put one on one of my AlphaStation 200 4/233’s.  Hopefully they’ll still 
>>> work.  It’s been years since I’ve done anything with my DEC HW. :-(
>> I have booted both V7.3 and V5.5-2  off a 4GB SD with SCSI2SD V4.6 on a 
>> MicroVax II with 16 Mb.     Note that DEQNA will not work (at all) on either 
>> version.  You’ll need a DELQA.
>> You should be able to build a system with an emulator and then copy the 
>> binary to an SD card. i’ve taken images both ways without problems.   
>> Alternately if you get a DELQA, you can netboot off of another Vaxen and 
>> build an bootable disk that way.
>> Jerry
> That is awfully good news for me.  How did you format the SD card?  What kind 
> of drive was it emulating?
> I don't have 16 Mb, but 5 Mb.  I understand the DEQNA was not supported in 
> VMS 5, should've kept the one I had.

I use a UC07 controller and it presents the SD/SCS2SD as a MSCP drive. It 
doesn’t matter what type of drive I label the drive using 
the Emulex built it utilities  (RA81, RA92..). VMS sees all the space the 
SCSI2SD adapter presents.   The SD is
is a block level device and can be written directly to.  No further (lower 
level) formatting is necessary.

        <!-- ********************************************************
        Drive geometry settings.
        ********************************************************* -->



        <!-- ********************************************************
        Drive identification information. The SCSI2SD doesn't
        care what these are set to. Use these strings to trick a OS
        thinking a specific hard drive model is attached.
        ********************************************************* -->

        <!-- 8 character vendor string -->
        <!-- For Apple HD SC Setup/Drive Setup, use ' SEAGATE' -->
        <vendor>DEC     </vendor>

        <!-- 16 character produce identifier -->
        <!-- For Apple HD SC Setup/Drive Setup, use '          ST225N' -->
        <prodId>RA92            </prodId>

        <!-- 4 character product revision number -->
        <!-- For Apple HD SC Setup/Drive Setup, use '1.0 ' -->

        <!-- 16 character serial number -->
        <serial>VAX50001        </serial> 

Start off by getting the Hobbyist License.   When you sign up you get access to 
a VMS 7.3 distribution Iso.
Then you need to sort out your install method.  Either burn the ISO and  try to 
boot it or go
the emulation route.  


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