On August 17, 2016 11:55:16 PM CDT, Pontus Pihlgren <pon...@update.uu.se> wrote:
>On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 11:01:43PM -0500, Chris Elmquist wrote:
>> The SGI shared memory systems, the most current of which is called 
>> "UV", is a NUMALink interconnected design.  They have a number of 
>> ASICs that implement the interconnect and protocol and bridge to the 
>> Intel processors intra-processor link, which is called QPI.
>I see, and I guess that NUMAlink is a decendant of the interconnect
>in SGI Origin2k and 3k systems?

That's right.  It took them a while to transition from MIPS to x86 with this 
technology and so we did the MPP cluster stuff as an interim product around 

>> The SGI cluster products use Infiniband for interconnect.
>And to take advantage of that you would use MPI?

Yes. Which sits on top of OFED (nee OpenIB) managing the fabric.


Chris Elmquist

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