On 10/01/2016 01:47 PM, Mike Stein wrote:

> You're one of the most prolific sources of information and helpful
> advice in this hobby, across almost all platforms, and you would be
> sorely missed indeed.
> Obviously I don't have anything close to what you have to contribute,
> but my reasons for spending time on these lists & forums are more or
> less the same (as well as the hope of regaining some space in my
> house ;-).

That's very kind of you, Mike, but we all are getting older--some of us
more than others.  I've resisted becoming too involved in the new
culture--I still don't own a cellphone of any stripe, but said culture
still eats time that's probably now better spent with my lovely and
tolerant wife, my dogs, my music and my chainsaws.

I've already committed to my better half that I'll be out of this by
2020 and I don't intend to disappoint her.


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