A buddy located this just in time, it was out at a scrapyard and we are
about to get hit with a hurricane over here in florida. Picked up a
commodore amiga 2000 with the keyboard, no mouse or monitor. I hooked it up
to a tv via composite and get to the boot screen. It appears to have a scsi
hard drive controller in it.
I figured this would be the place to ask... It looks as if PC compatibility
boards can be added to the machine,  boards with a 286, 386, or 486 and
some memory on a board, capable of running  MS DOS. IF i were to install
such a board, what kind of graphics capability would the dos side of things

I think the generic bridgecard might give you something like CGA, but the way the bizzare Amiga 2000 was created the bridge card (that is a PC on a board) sits in like the middle where there is a Zorro Slot and an ISA slot. So that bridge card then enables/drives all of the ISA slots, so you then add your VGA card into an ISA slot. Then connect a good monitor (Anything VGA is good compared to staring at a 15khz TV :-) and then you've got this crazy contraption on your desk with one keyboard, one computer that technically has a 2nd computer in it hooked to two monitors :-)

This is just me, but the spirit of having an Amiga 2000 (which don't get me wrong, is cool, I gave mine away and slightly regret it!) is running Amiga software. I'd go for a NewTek Toaster before going for the bridgecard. There is also software (I don't think hardware is involved) to run Mac software on Amigas as well.

SCSI card is a great start, none of mine ever had those.

Ethan O'Toole

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