Yup, all dumpstered by the company formerly known as Rackable

What survives is in the hands of collectors. They worked hard to save what
was still left at the end.

SGI was just as brutal to Cray. Scorched earth to their archives a decade 

Ugh. To be fair, I even know CEOs today of companies making tech products that don't really like to look at the past or live in it -- they see themselves as focused on the future.

Still a shame they couldn't of at least shelved documentation and source. At the time of it's disposal it probably didn't seem relevant, and perhaps it isn't so much outside of those of us with nostalgia for the systems we grew up around or ones we dreamed of messing with.

Also, when I was younger (I didn't really participate in any of this hands on) I used to hang out in some IRC channels and remember seeing source code tarballs get passed around to things like SunOS, Solaris and IRIX. I guess they were leaked from companies with partner source code license contracts or insecure systems. Mostly used either as trophies or people looking for more security vulnerabilities (independent unauthorized source code audit I guess you would call it.) Right as it would happen you would see a bunch of new CERT advisories from some random group and it was like, "Yep, they're digging through that source tarball floating around." Those source tarballs are likely to still be out there somewhere.

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