I am looking for someone who can read an ICL EDS8 disk pack. I am told that it 
would have been used in an ICT type 2802/2 drive on an ICL 1905E, but that it 
is also compatible with an IBM 2311 disk drive and that it uses a mechanical 
assembly based on a CDC 9450. Given the mention of the 2311 above, I wonder if 
this means that you have facilities to read an EDS8 pack?

It might be similar to a 2311 but it's not quite the same.
In modern terminology the ICL uses hard sectors whereas the IBM uses soft 

ICL calls sectors "buckets" and there are 8 128 word buckets to a track. (A 
word being 24 bits = 4 characters)
If I remember correctly (see if I can find a copy of the programmers reference 
manual) cylinder 0 is the directory; 
 on UDAS executives (that 1905E would probably have run E6RM) the next three 
(?) cylinders are normally reserved for Exec overlays.
I think George3 behaved similarly except that it had its own directory 
structure that mapped onto the drive directory in some manner.

I would think it "not too difficult" to build a modern controller that could 
read that pack on either type of drive – interpreting the results might be 


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