On 15/06/2017 19:27, Rich Alderson via cctalk wrote:
From: Rod Smallwood
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 8:39 AM

Stop this Policy and Budget nonsense and accept gracefully the help you
have been offered.
You speak as if this were Al's personal decision and policy.  It is not.
Museums are expected to adhere to a set of standards of care for their
collections, which are formally set out by relevant bodies; see, for
example, the British and US pages at the following URLs:

British:  http://www.museumsassociation.org/museum-practice
US:       http://aam-us.org/resources/ethics-standards-and-best-practices

In order for this work to be done by volunteers, they first have to be
vetted, and their work must be overseen by a professional (which costs
those scarce funds).  It might be done by unpaid interns who already have
training in proper cataloguing and preservation techniques, but they also
would have to be overseen by a paid professional.

More things have been accidentally damaged or destroyed by enthusiastic
amateurs than have ever been preserved with proper provenance, cataloguing,
and care.

I realize that this will cut no ice with you, but CHM has a responsibility
beyond your happiness with respect to preserving this archive, and Al is
correct to point this out.


Rich Alderson
Vintage Computing Sr. Systems Engineer
Living Computers: Museum + Labs
2245 1st Avenue S
Seattle, WA 98134


That's the whole point scanning _will_ preserve the archive because it won't need to be handled. They didn't even bother too make back up Xerox copies. You seem to imply they are professional. No backup, 50cents a copy, obstruction of access and rejection of help. If this is Califonia

There is no wrong or right
Nor black and white.
Just darknessand light

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