On Thu, 15 Jun 2017 23:45:37 -0500
Sam O'nella via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> Ok revising my overly simple thought of vounteers showing up.  What
> about a class on document archival at VCFw (or other) and then an
> archive party? Not trying to push a non-issue, but if that gets past
> any legal requirements id still absolutely help out any of the local
> museums if in their area for travel. Im surely not the only one. Plus
> it would be valid for those of us with documents at home to scan for
> the hobby to get them acceptable quality to upload, etc. null

It's not that simple. The CHM has 70 full time employees (most of
whom are museum professionals) and 150 active, qualified volunteers.

Volunteers participate as docents, gallery interpreters, demonstrators,
restoration team members, collections helpers (artifact classifying,
cataloging), etc. Each job has training requirements which can take
several weeks of one or more sessions per week. Most of the volunteer
jobs have formal testing requirements upon course completion.

Having volunteered with Collections (cataloging, etc.), I know that one
session at VCF would be insufficient to qualify someone to properly
handle and copy documents to museum standards. In addition, as Rich
said, there would have to be full time CHM collections staff present to
manage and oversee the operation.

Be aware that the CHM not only has the DEC collection, but huge
collections of Cisco, Google and other company and individual
histories, manuals, etc. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. The CHM
has ten's of thousands of artifacts - both hardware and software.

The reality is that there are limited resources and what gets
done is a matter of establishing goals and priorities for exhibits,
collections, education, events, etc., etc.

The CHM certainly hasn't "shortchanged" the DEC collection. The CHM
spent 14 months and over 5,000 man hours cataloging it!!!

BTW: If it took that long to catalog it - take a guess at how long it
will take to scan it ;)

73      AF6WS
Bickley Consulting West Inc.

"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"

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