> From: Ed Sharpe 

    > from what I was told, many versions of machines by Big H were used to
    > run multics over the span of time.

Yes, it appears from what I can find that there were basically three
different Honeywell machines that ran Multics:

- the 6180 - the one the LCM has the panel for

- the Series 60 Level 68 - a re-packaging of the 6180, in shorter cabinets,
  a picture of which may be found in this publication (pg 5):


- the DPS-8/M; you can see one of the latter here:


    > and the transistor 600 machines had a wildly diff. front panel!

There's a picture of an artist's impression of the 645 here:


Oddly enough, that painting was on the wall right outside my office in Tech

Now _that_ is a mainframe! :-)


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