On 08/08/2017 00:01, Josh Dersch via cctalk wrote:
On 8/7/2017 3:50 PM, Rod Smallwood via cctalk wrote:

On 07/08/2017 22:52, Ian S. King via cctalk wrote:
On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Pete Turnbull via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

On 07/08/2017 18:37, Rod Smallwood via cctalk wrote:

So to-morrow connect up a terminal that will do 110 baud and try an echo

Next part is interesting. There should be a way to fake a reader / punch
and feed in tape images.

There is.  Look on Kevin McQuiggin's site:

In the section called "Software", about 1/3 of the way down, look for
send.c or better still new-send.c (I call it rsend, on my system). You
might also find rim.c and the BIN loader useful.

They're also on my webpage, with the corresponding manpages:

That's the easiest place to get the manpages for rim.c, send.c, rsend.c.
Here's the gist (top parts of the manpages):

rim - create RIM-format file from ASCII addr/instr
   rim is a very simple converter.  It reads in a file containing two
columns of ASCII digits; the first column is a list of addresses (in octal) and the second is a list of machine instructions (also octal).
   Output is a file suitable to feed to the RIM loader on a PDP-8.

send, rsend - send a file in RIM or BIN format to a PDP-8
   send and rsend are utilities to transmit a RIM format or BIN format
file from a UNIX (or other) host to a PDP-8 over a serial line. The
   PDP-8 should be running the RIM loader routine prior to starting
   either of these programs.
   Input should be a file in RIM format or BIN format. Output goes to
the host serial port, which should be connected via appropriate cable
   to the PDP-8.
   send is a simple version, with built-in serial port settings and a
fixed delay between characters. rsend is more sophisticated; it can
   be controlled by command-line options or environment variables, and
   can accept input on stdin.

On a Unix (or Linux etc) machine you can pipe the output from rim to
rsend, and if you're using papertape images (of which there are load on the
net), rsend can strip the headers for you.

Pete Turnbull

Once upon a time I wrote a Python program to stand in for an ASR-33,
providing both a terminal session and a papertape image reader/punch.
N.B.: much PDP-8 software likes 7E1, but PTR/PTP is 8N1. ISTR that even when I fiddled with SLU settings, I couldn't get away from 7E1 for some of
the diagnostics.  Of course, I've slept since then.  -- Ian

Thank you that's interesting.
So far to-day I hooked up a three wire RS232 connection to an old Compaq notebook and ran msk315 (kermit)
Next SET BAUD 110
Then toggle in the print test on the 8/e.
Yup prints the character set on the notebook
Then echo test - nope.
The M8650 probably needs DTR or whatever.
Three wires was a bit cheeky I guess
In the hardware docs for the 8/e there's a load of info about the 8650.
I'll go read that.

Three wires should be enough, no DTR necessary. Double-check your wiring and the jumpering on the M8650.

One other thing - I have a working TU58.
The two cassette drives in a box type with serial interface.
Now the pdp-8/e DECTapes were also called TU58.

The typical DECtapes used with the PDP-8 were TU56's, a completely different (and much more rare) beast.

The M8650 is on the list of what you can connect it to.
So does the one substitute for the other and raise the possibility of booting from tape?

No, they're not substitutes. I'm not aware of any PDP-8 systems booting and running from a TU58, but I suppose it's not impossible. Mostly the problem with the TU58 at this point is that (a) the capstan rollers in your drives are most likely tar, and (b) the rubber parts in the tape itself have done the same, and (c) the tape itself probably isn't in great shape either.

- Josh


Mmm senior confusion.

Its a working TU58 - Restored including fixing the roller problem.
Runs on a PC OK.

Just fixed the echo test problem.
RS232 on M8650 needed a jumper E-M on board or plug.

So now to check out that  rim loader stuff.
Its in C but I can get round that problem.


Wanted one pdp-8/i rocker switch leaver to copy.

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