On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 5:28 PM, Rod Smallwood via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> On 08/08/2017 00:01, Josh Dersch via cctalk wrote:
>> On 8/7/2017 3:50 PM, Rod Smallwood via cctalk wrote:
>>> One other thing - I have a working TU58.
>>> The two cassette drives in a box type with serial interface.
>>> Now the pdp-8/e DECTapes were also called TU58.
>> The typical DECtapes used with the PDP-8 were TU56's, a completely
>> different (and much more rare) beast.
>> The M8650 is on the list of what you can connect it to.
>>> So does the one substitute for the other and raise the possibility of
>>> booting from tape?
>> No, they're not substitutes.  I'm not aware of any PDP-8 systems booting
>> and running from a TU58, but I suppose it's not impossible. Mostly the
>> problem with the TU58 at this point is that (a) the capstan rollers in your
>> drives are most likely tar, and (b) the rubber parts in the tape itself
>> have done the same, and (c) the tape itself probably isn't in great shape
>> either.
>> - Josh
>>> Rod
>> Mmm senior confusion.
> Its a working TU58 - Restored including fixing the roller problem.
> Runs on a PC OK.
> Just fixed the echo test problem.
> RS232 on M8650 needed a jumper E-M on board or plug.
> So now to check out that  rim loader stuff.
> Its in C but I can get round that problem.
> Rod
> --
> Wanted one pdp-8/i rocker switch leaver to copy.
For verily, LINCtape begat DECtape, and DECtape begat DECtape II.  LINCtape
and DECtape were legitimate backing store, DECtape II was a cheap way of
delivering software updates.

And since when is C a 'problem'?  :-)  -- Ian

Ian S. King, MSIS, MSCS, Ph.D. Candidate
The Information School <http://ischool.uw.edu>
Dissertation: "Why the Conversation Mattered: Constructing a Sociotechnical
Narrative Through a Design Lens

Principal Investigator, "Reflections on Early Computing and Social Change",
UW IRB #42619

Archivist, Voices From the Rwanda Tribunal <http://tribunalvoices.org>
Value Sensitive Design Research Lab <http://vsdesign.org>

University of Washington

There is an old Vulcan saying: "Only Nixon could go to China."

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