From: Doug Ingraham via cctalk: Friday, August 11, 2017 3:53 PM
He has been working on a Flip Chip tester for a couple of years now and has
been using a bread boarded early version of this for several years.

I am hoping I can find someone with the knowledge and drive to continue
working on his tester as this is something that would greatly benefit those
of us who are trying to keep these machines alive.  I will try to collect
all the work he was doing on it together in one place for this purpose.  At
the moment I have his tester and his 8/a and 8/i projects.  His laptop is
with one of his brothers but I will get a copy of all his engineering and
data files.

He will be missed.  I'd be a poor replacement for Warren, but I'd be happy
to provide some continuity for his work.

I have an Eagle drawing of an early version of his tester breadboard -- not
sure if it is still current.  Wasn't he recently also using an Arduino or some
such with his laptop to drive test vectors?  I'd love to see that software, and
of course, the test vectors themselves for the many types of modules are a
key part.

Please let me know how I can help.


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