> You have some of your reasoning reversed regarding comparator behaviour.
> Comparators are typically: +in > -in --> output transistor off --> output
> HIGH with pull-up R.

I have double-checked the datasheet
(http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm339.pdf). It says "The output NPN sinks
current when the positive input voltage is higher than the negative input
voltage and the offset voltage". My interpretation is therefore the opposite
of what you say above. Is it possible that different versions of the LM339
work differently?



> The 176 outputs are connected to the  comparator -inputs. The two 0V -ins
> thus below the +ins at 0.36V and their output transistor will thus be off
/ not
> conducting to GND.
> Of course that doesn't solve the problem, the 3rd, oscillating, -in should
> toggling its output transistor and the overall output should be toggling
> than steady +5.
> Is power good at the 339 supply pins (including gnd)?
> Is  the oscillating 176 output high long enough (pulse width when high)
for the
> frequency response of the 339?

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