On 08/28/2017 10:43 AM, Shoppa, Tim via cctalk wrote:
> IEEE Annals of the History of Computing just published (in past few months) 
> Paul McJones article "In Search of the Original Fortran Compiler".
> Many of us have been following Paul's efforts (and helping out in different 
> ways) for the past 15 years, via cctalk and other mailing lists, the SPG, and 
> Paul's website http://www.mcjones.org/paul/
> It is very satisfying to see Paul's work published in an academic journal, 
> also very satisfying to see such a solid published shout-out for so many 
> resources (CHM, SPG, bitsavers. SIMH... many others) so important to us 
> classiccmp'ers.
> You can read the IEEE-published version at 
> http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7974703
> (I don't think you have to be an IEEE member to read this particular one.)

When I read the first paragraph of the paper, I immediately recalled the
1982 articles from IEEE Annals, when I still subscribed to it (I have
the issue in my bookcase).

It's too bad that the original source wasn't located--it certainly would
have been interesting to look at.  I remember FMS II from the 7090/94
machines, as well as FORTRAN II (card FORTRAN) and FORTRAN II-D (disk)
on the 1620.

"2 up and go"


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