On Fri, 8 Sep 2017, John Foust via cctalk wrote:
When attemping to read an old Amiga floppy, the magnetic media
separated from the metal hub.  Were these originally glued?
Assuming I can find a way to re-affix the media to the hub, how many
guesses as to the proper alignment might I need to make?  After all,
the metal hub has an index slot and the media was formatted in
relation to that.
Is the answer different for a PC floppy?


The PC has a gap after index, and then a smaller gap between each sector.

With the PC, the index is only needed during formatting, BUT, even during reading, the NEC-style FDC goes "blind" momentarily right after index. Thus, any sectors too soon after index are "not found". However, if you encounter that problem with disks that are otherwise PC readable, you can "mask"/interrupt the index line of the floppy cable. On many old 5.25" drives (NOT including Teac 55), you can even just put a write-protect tab over the index access hole of the floppy jacket (on Teac and a few others, the drive is dependent on seeing index to be "ready"). Interrupting the cable is not without a few minor complications. For example, if you ask for a specific sector, the PC (INT13h) normally waits through a few revolutions, then reports error code 4 ("Sector Not Found"); but, if you've interfered with the index, then it will come up with error code 128 ("Drive Not Ready") instead. Reading PC sectors without masking will work fine, except for any that straddle, or are too soon after, index. Some disk formats, such as Cromemco have very tight inter-sector gaps, and reading with PC can be less unreliable.

On the Amiga, there are little or no gaps between sectors. It essentially does a track read/write and then parses in memory, instead of searching for individual sectors to read. It probably relies on index to decide when to start reading. It may be possible to write some code on the Amiga to read a track, and then splice from end to beginning to patch it.

What are you imaging it with?

If you could read the entire track (such as with a WD 179x), ignoring index, and then splice material from the end to the beginning as necessary, then you would be OK.

At least SOME flux-transition boards (I KNOW CP Option Board does) require the index pulse to operate. (THAT made it trivial to create a disk that would choke Copy-II-PC-OptionBoard software, but could be copied [losing the protection] with DISKCOPY)

If you can read "more than a track", then you can manually find and mark where the start of track is.

The weird hacks to fool the NEC into reading track (in order to read Amiga on PC) might or might not work with index masked. Without it masked, your placement of index will have to be accurate.

Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com

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