On 09/30/2017 11:50 AM, Richard Cini via cctech wrote:

> I’m in the process or restoring a Seattle Gazelle for the Vintage
> Computer Federation and one of the disks that it came with had
> “Norton Utilities” written on it. I’ve imaged the disk but I’m not
> entirely sure what system it was for, and the directory seems to be
> scrambled, and the disk geometry doesn’t seem to fit with the system
> (16 sectors, 512b DSDD) versus the normal (8 x 1024b DSDD).
> A quick search shows that v1.0, and maybe 2.0, were around at the
> time…no word on what distribution media, though.
> Is anyone aware of there being a version available on 8” disks?

Dunno, but if you'll forward an image, I'll have a go at unraveling it
and see I anything pops up.


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