Maybe Jay can locate him  and  offer to  re host it?
In a message dated 10/7/2017 10:25:34 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Sat,  Oct 07, 2017 at 09:01:32AM -0700, Vincent Slyngstad wrote:
> My  copy appears to be 724MB.  The .zip is 619 MB and the .7z came in
>  at 596 MB.

Interesting. I am again rerunning some download, this time  set to
continue if there were some failed files. And recording it all  via
/usr/bin/script, so I can later skim over it.

BTW, (because  definition of megabyte seems to vary even from one
command to  another):

=>  (971 5):   tar cpf -  PDP8/DUMP_pdp8_org_20171007_0001/ | wc -c

=> du -skx  PDP8/DUMP_pdp8_org_20171007_0001/
17128    PDP8/DUMP_pdp8_org_20171007_0001/

=>  tar  cpf - PDP8/DUMP_pdp8_org_20171007_0001/ | wc  

> The 16 MB I got for test-scans doesn't look  important, though.  (It
> seems to be several rescans of the H724  schematic.)
>    Vince

This is how it looks in  my copy, too.

Tomasz Rola

** A C  programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.       **
** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home   **
** directory. And then the C programmer became  enlightened...      **
**             **
** Tomasz Rola         **

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