> On Oct 13, 2017, at 12:15 AM, Peter Coghlan via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Douglas Taylor wrote:
>> I'm trying to bring up an Alpha machine, a 3000-300, the hardware is working 
>> fine, but I have some questions-
>> The system disk is an RZ26 (1.06GB) and I installed the OS and one layered 
>> product and the disk is full.  How much disk space is needed for 8.4?
> I have several of those disks, some in Storageworks bricks.  Back in the
> VMS V7 era, I thought they would be just right for installing a system
> on and not much else.  On more than one occasion, just after I had
> everything set up on it just the way I wanted it, the disk started clocking
> errors and shortly after that, it died in clunk-clunk-clunk mode :-(
> I'd suggest looking for another disk that isn't an RZ26.
> I also have at least one 4GB disk (RZ28 or RZ29? I can't remember) which
> works fine once it gets going but needs a tap or a quick twist to get
> it going when it is trying to spin up.  Not too practical for installing
> in a machine with the cover on though.
> Regards,
> Peter Coghlan

The idea of the RZ29’s starting to have troubles spinning up is a bit 
depressing.  I lucked out and got 6 shelves of them for free at one point, so I 
tend to use BA350’s and RZ29’s on anything except my main VMS system.  
Thankfully the system disk on my VAX spun up with out any problem.  It’s been a 
few years since any of my VMS hardware was turned on.  Which helps to explain 
why the OS is out of date on the Alpha.


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