On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 12:03 AM, Josh Dersch via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> On 3/15/2018 8:22 PM, Robert Armstrong via cctalk wrote:
>    Does anyone know offhand if the CXY08 (M3119) and DELQA (M7516) work
>> with
>> 2.11bsd?
>>    I think the CXY08 has the same programmer interface as the DHV11, and
>> I'm
>> hoping it works with the 2.11bsd dh driver.  Ditto for the DELQA and the
>> qe
>> driver.  If somebody knows for sure, though, I'd appreciate it if you can
>> save me the trouble of installing it all just to find out it doesn't work.
> The DELQA should work fine with the qe driver.  I can't comment on the
> CXY08 as I've never tried it personally.

At least he's not trying to use a DEQNA interface, so he's ahead of the


> - Josh
>> Thanks,
>> Bob

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