On Tue, 16 Apr 2019, William Donzelli wrote:
Looks like it went for roughly $4k USD. Obviously logistics and storage
cost play into things, but somebody got a deal. Dang. -C

Assuming the innards of the machines were not all rust buckets - yes.
I expected at least twice that, maybe triple.

Huh? Sorry, but I'm not made of money, and obviously, we have different oppinions about the value of a large system in unknown or mediocre condition. Sure, we would have been very happy if we could aquire the system, restore it and have it running and showing it to our visitors. But more than 1000ยค is not realistic, even with some noble offerings like Noel's. You have to consider all the efforts and time and space you need to invest into such an adventure. I really hope that the buyer knows what he has and that he is capable to repair and run the system.

I've seen more pictures of the site (thanks to a friend who visited the site), and everything is dirty and burried under the ventilation system that fell off the ceiling as well as under debris from the crumbling ceiling, there must be a humidity problem. The door to the room goes directly to the street, the house is at least 80 years old and completely derelict. There is rust in the machines (e.g. I've seen oxidation on the spindle of the 3340 disk modules sitting on top of the 3125). There are power supply or whatever modules lying on the floor in a corner amongst other junk.

But who knows - maybe the seller was not very cooperative, or there
were some other reason why the price remained low.

The seller is an antiquarian and local pickup is within two weeks.

Oh, and with all the traffic this generated on many lists, almost no
one mentions the System/370 in the mix. I think it is the big yellow
box in the pictures.

Yes, but that is about all of the system. There's a hip high "table" with yellow front and back doors, I guess that was the console, with obviously missing setup. No peripherals for the 370/125 apart from a printer-keyboard (from the number list) and a card reader, so no tape or disk drives. The 3340 drives are missing (some corroded modules can be seen on one pic).

But after all, I'm not too frustrated because I know where there is a complete 360/20 and a complete 370/125 (with drives) still running :-) These systems are already in a wonderful museum.


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