On 6/16/19 4:26 AM, Liam Proven via cctalk wrote:


Did you at least compare it to NT?


The machines were donated, they had the '98 OEM sticker on them, it kept everything legal. Seeing as how this was for a school, everything worked, and was stable for months at a time, we had no reason to change it.

I had experience with NT 4.0 prior to that. But I / we felt no compulsion to change.

I had NT boxes with uptimes of months with no special effort. 9x crashed if you gave it a stern look. In the trade we called it GameOS at the time.

As a workstation, yes, '98 could be unstable. I have no idea how often they would reboot the workstations. But the server stayed up for weeks to months at a time.

There was also the advantage that the server was the same as the workstations. Meaning that a teacher could do things on the server if they needed to. (I lived about an hour away.)

Was it great or the best? Probably not. Did it work well enough? Yes. Did it fulfill their needs? Yes.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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