Zomg it's been blocked! <Grabs foil hat>

Jk. Not sure if you forgot url or tried an attachment but no attachments go
through on this mailing list.

Be cool to see pics for sure :-)

I'm almost surprised that they think it's a secret but I guess that could
allow data interception and that defeats the tempest purpose. Otherwise I
think the shielding specs are published. I don't know details but it seems
like there is a screw every x inches requirement on all the cases I've

On Fri, Aug 16, 2019, 12:05 AM Curt Vendel via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>

> Sure:
> On 8/15/2019 12:22 AM, Adrian Stoness wrote:
> > u got any pics of this thing?

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