On 12/3/19 8:15 PM, Fred Cisin via cctech wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Dec 2019, Bill Gunshannon via cctech wrote:
>> Along this line I have solved one problem.  I mentioned INIT in
>> RSX180 printing gibberish on the screen when trying to init a
>> hard disk partition where it had worked on a floppy.  Problem
>> was the size of the partitions.  I had tried just making one
>> partition for the test I learned that FDISK will make partitions
>> too big for any of the P112 OSes.  I now have a hard disk with
>> 5 partitions to play with.  On to the  next problem.
> Is it a specific size limit?
> (something on the order of number of bits for block number?)

Don't know, but I suspect it's around 32M.  I seem to remember
seeing something mentioned somewhere.  I just divided a 42M
Seagate into 5 partitions to play with.  I may test the limits
eventually but for right now I would just like to get some of
the OSes loaded on the hard disk so I can work with them.
Especially RSX180 as I have some other plans for that one.


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