On 3/11/2020 12:10 PM, Antonio Carlini via cctalk wrote:
On 11/03/2020 00:59, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote:
Nope. All you have to do is go to eisner.decuserve.org and register (follow my 
earlier instructions).  They don't care what country you are from. All are 
welcome.  Do it now and get your OpenVMS Hobbyist license(s) that will last 
until the end of 2021 at least.

I registered two days ago. Can I claim my hobbyist licences now or should I 
wait two weeks until I end up on some internal system?



Last I knew it took a week or two for the information to get to HPE so they 
could validate when you use the HPE registration page.  YoOu can certainly try 
now.  Maybe they have sped it up.

John H. Reinhardt

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