> On 27 Jul 2020, at 17:06, Michael-John Turner via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 08:58:22PM +0100, Antonio Carlini via cctalk wrote:
>> I can't find the weight in any of my references right now but they are very 
>> heavy. Three people can move them up a slight slope with some effort but you 
>> would not successfully lift it into a car (assuming that it would fit). I'm 
>> planning to dismantle them to move them (i.e.  remove PSU/PSUs etc. until 
>> they are light enough to move). A tail-lift would probably be the sane way 
>> to go (and is, indeed, how they got to their current location.
> It was probably youthful stupidity, but I transported an AlphaServer 2100 in 
> my VW Golf 4 back in the day. I also lifted it out myself (luckily it was on 
> castors so just needed to make it out of the car). Sadly the machine later 
> died but I passed it on to a fellow Alpha-owner who stripped it for parts.
> Glad you managed to find homes for all three of them.
> Cheers, MJ
> -- 
> Michael-John Turner * m...@mjturner.net * http://mjturner.net/ 

That reminds me of the time I was transporting a Dodge box (Alpha 4100) between 
customer sites in a London borough. There were 3 machines, a pair of 4100s and 
a 2100. 3 of us got the 2100 and a 4100 into the van we had for this task but 
the 3rd machine wouldn’t fit. No problem, I have a big estate car (station 
wagon) so could put it in the back of that.

I strapped it in with occy straps (the elasticated type) and put the brakes on 
the front wheels but the thing was so heavy that when the car moved forwards 
the machine didn’t and burst through the back window. A small girl out on the 
street said ‘look Mum, that man’s broken his window!’

Fun times. At the other end we got out the Henry Hoover to suck up the glass 
and switched on, machine worked fine and didn’t hiccup until it was 
decommissioned a few years later.

Adrian Graham
Owner of Binary Dinosaurs, the UK's biggest private home computer collection?
t: @binarydinosaurs    f: facebook.com/binarydinosaurs
w: www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk

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