On Thu, 2021-01-28 at 09:52 -0600, Jon Elson via cctalk wrote:
> On 01/28/2021 02:29 AM, Curious Marc via cctalk wrote:
> > We have had this guy harassing the Computer History Museum, then all 
> > unsuspecting restorers under the false pretense of doing computer materials 
> > history research. In the end we understood he was trying to find out if 
> > asbestos was used in the machinery or buildings that were used to make the 
> > IBM 1401. We believe he is trying to find a sleazy way to sue all the 
> > computer makers that have made computers in the past.
> Wow!  I doubt there is an asbestos in the actual computer 
> parts, but quite possible asbestos-containing floor tiles 
> and pipe insulation WAS used in the factory buildings, or 
> computer rooms where they were used.
> Suing the manufacturers for something that was general 
> practice 60 years ago seems a far stretch.  And, other than 
> IBM, all the other computer makers are long gone.  Some may 
> have been absorbed into other corporations, of course.  
> Getting legal, what would be his standing for such a suit?
> If he wants a class action, he has to find somebody that was 
> harmed, and then track down others and/or heirs.

It wasn't just "general practice" sixty years ago. It was mandated by
building codes.

> Well, some people just need to find real work, like digging 
> ditches or driving trucks.
> Jon

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