Am Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2021, 03:53:19 MEZ hat Chris Zach via cctalk 
<> Folgendes geschrieben: 

>Wow, I've always wanted an 11/750. Not sure why, the small box size is 
>impressive and all that. However it doesn't look like that one has a 
>MASSBUS adapter so I will have to pass...
>And I just gave away a M7850 memory board :-)

I happen to have a massbus adapter and the cabling with terminator for my 
11/750, but I never came across any massbus peripherals. Considering the price 
back then and the size for these, they seem nowadays quite rare, which is a 
real pity.  
Anybody knows if there was conversion kit to equip CDC 9762 and 9766 type SMD 
drives into MASSBUS drives much like the TU81 could be turned into a TA81 (SDI)?



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