> On Feb 24, 2021, at 9:06 AM, Chris Zach via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
>> I happen to have a massbus adapter and the cabling with terminator for my 
>> 11/750, but I never came across any massbus peripherals. Considering the 
>> price back then and the size for these, they seem nowadays quite rare, which 
>> is a real pity.
> Sort of. MASSBUS was a very overpriced and to be honest weird system that DEC 
> developed in an attempt to be like IBM and charge very high markups for 
> generic peripherals. While it did support a variety of interface formats (I 
> don't think the RS03 and 04 were SMD, and I know the RP07 was *not* SMD) the 
> industry quickly centered on SMD and that was that.

Overpriced?  Compared to what?  SMD didn't appear until later; I know Massbus 
existed in 1974, perhaps earlier.  What else would do the job back then?

> Yes, the TM02 and TM03 formatters allowed MASSBUS to connect to Pertec 
> drives, but I don't think you could run a tape drive and a disk drive on the 
> same MASSBUS channel anyway. Wonder why, technically the MASSBUS cable is 
> just an extension of the Unibus, so it shouldn't matter much what combination 
> of cables you used. Maybe they just wrote different drivers or something.

Electrically it works.  I believe at least one system/OS supports this; TOPS-10 
perhaps?  But most operating systems do not, and yes, that would be a driver 

Similarly, not all OS support RS03/04 and RM/RP on the same Massbus (RSTS 
doesn't for example).

Meanwhile, speaking of the RP07: DEC never supported that on any PDP-11, but it 
actually works just fine on the high performance Massbus of the 11/70.  In the 
RSTS group we had one on the big 11/70 system ("ARK" because at one point it 
had "two of everything").  So RSTS/E will happily drive such a device, if you 
can manage to power it up.

>> ...
> (Yes, I did use a MASSBUS cable to tow a car once. Worked fine)

:-)  I think IBM's "bus and tag" 360 channel cables are even thicker than a 
Massbus cable.

> I still have an RM80 drive in my house here, I fire it up every 5 years or 
> so. Mostly for when I get my Decsystem/20 back together.
> It has the RM80 personality module which is the difference between the R80 
> and RM80. To be honest I'd bet that one could put an RA81 personality module 
> into it and make an RA80 drive....
> Far more interesting would be to see if one could put the RM80 personality 
> module into an RA81 drive and turn that into a 456mb MASSBUS drive. THAT 
> would be interesting....

Yes, but you'd need some driver work, since Massbus disk drivers have to deal 
with the actual drive topology.  So you'd have to define a Massbus ID value for 
"RM81" and pick the appropriate sector/head/cylinder count.  Depending on the 
OS this may be fairly easy or not so easy.  I know how to do it in RSTS (at the 
source level -- doing it by patches might also be doable).


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