> On 4 Sep 2021, at 02:42, Jay Jaeger via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> On 7/14/2021 12:32 PM, Adrian Graham via cctalk wrote:
>> VT100 to the rescue, the VLC is fine talking to it so now I'm wondering why
>> my old faithful hardware UART in this PC I'm typing on now has let me down.
>> The BlueSCSI appears as 7 devices though, which is usually a termination or
>> ID problem so I now need to dig out an external terminator for the box
>> since it's never had one. The hard drive in there has been good at
>> providing its own TERMPWR which the BlueSCSI should too but I'll play by
>> the rules to test things properly.
>> Cheers,
> I think BlueSCSI will only appear as the devices you have image files named 
> for on its SD card.

What I meant was on a SHO DEV I got 7 Quantum Fireballs (DKA0-500, DKA700), in 
my VAX days this meant there was either an ID conflict with another device on 
the bus or a termination issue. I only had one image on the sdcard which was 
ID0 so there weren’t any other devices present, so it had to be a termination 

Adrian Graham
Owner of Binary Dinosaurs, the UK's biggest private home computer collection?
t: @binarydinosaurs    f: facebook.com/binarydinosaurs
w: www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk

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