On 2022-05-05 1:43 p.m., John Robertson via cctalk wrote:
On 2022/05/05 10:26 a.m., Toby Thain via cctalk wrote:
On 2022-05-05 1:03 p.m., John Herron via cctalk wrote:
Someone at work pointed this out and I've never really thought about it. Is anyone here aware of the decision or reason to use a different 1 character
for the last 1 vs the first 1?

Got a picture?

They may have run out of that original font if they were setting the type with something like Lettraset in the day.

An easy contemporary solution to that would have been to use a process camera and make a copy.

However, based on this picture: http://dunfield.classiccmp.org/c64/h/diskf.jpg , there *is* a good typographic reason to cut the serif off the second '1'; if you didn't, it would look ridiculous. The typographer's rule is, "If it _looks_ right, it _is_ right," and the decal as shipped looks fine, typographically. We make these slight "adjustments" all the time, it's a big part of the job (especially for logos) - and reveals that a professional was involved. Usually people don't even notice them, because that's the other rule of typography.


I restore and sell the first coin operated video game - Nutting's Computer Space - and they mixed all sorts of fonts on the control panel. It was a pain to reproduce it!

John :-#)#

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