Hello Classic fans,

Recently eBay seller smhelectronics261 posted a very interesting prototype board: https://www.ebay.com/itm/295087630609

The description is "Dec Digital PRO 350/380 Professional Microvax II Proto 54-16707 Collectors", and the board art mentions "MICROVAX SOFTCARD."

Does anyone know anything about this card?  Especially curious is the daughtercard connector: is it just for RAM expansion or is the daughtercard necessary for card operation?

The photographs are fuzzy, but the more recent chip date I can see is 8536 (on one of the QFPs).  This puts the board in the time period of the MicroVAX II development.

The internal "MicroVAX Business Plan" (http://bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/vax/610/memos/Microvax_Business_Plan_Dec83.pdf) mentions a "Meteor" project (p. 11).  It describes Meteor as:

   Meteor is Digital's first single-user MicroVAX product. Developed
   within Low End Engineering, the product is positioned as a strong
   competitor in the low end, technical/scientific and the high end
   office/business graphics workstation market. Meteor should be an
   effective follow-on product to the Professional Series and high end
   VAX/Seahorse workstations. Although not a replacement product per
   se, Meteor represents a clear migration path for PRO users upward in
   functionality, and for VAX Workstation applications downward to a
   lower cost, single user design.

Does anyone know if this board is Meteor?

I'll be bidding on the board, but given how pricey CTI boards have gotten recently (a DECNA card from the same seller recently sold for $422.99), I probably won't win.  If the winner of the auction reads this, could they please contact me?  I'd like to collect an image of the boot ROM from the board, if possible.



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