Recently eBay seller smhelectronics261 posted a very interesting prototype board:

The description is "Dec Digital PRO 350/380 Professional Microvax II Proto 54-16707 Collectors", and the board art mentions "MICROVAX SOFTCARD."

Well, that is a weird concept. Maybe they were gunning to make the absolutely slowest Vax system ever, the MV1 just wasn't enough of a challenge....

Does anyone know anything about this card?  Especially curious is the daughtercard connector: is it just for RAM expansion or is the daughtercard necessary for card operation?

Daughtercard almost looks like a Pro memory board, but those were 16 bit and only 256kw in size if I recall. That's can't be enough to do anything useful.

I'll be bidding on the board, but given how pricey CTI boards have gotten recently (a DECNA card from the same seller recently sold for $422.99), I probably won't win.  If the winner of the auction reads this, could they please contact me?  I'd like to collect an image of the boot ROM from the board, if possible.

I might drop a bid on it, but that's one of those serious "what the hell would I do with it" sort of things. I still can't believe that DEC would try to run Microvax code on a system like the Pro with a hard drive controller which was slower than a literal snail....

Maybe DEC had an RQDX3 or ESDI CTI controller with real DMA somewhere in the works?

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