ben <> wrote:

> What I would like to get is a serial printer (rs232), with a definable
> character set. Does any one know of a cheap one?

Probably not cheap unless you get lucky, but an excellent choice would
be the Toshiba P1351 (not to be confused with their later 1351 laser
printer) or the narrower P1340.  They are 24-pin dot-matrix printers
that feature downloadable fonts and both serial and parallel interfaces.

I got my P1351 in 1984 and it has served me well.  I created (OK, stole
from Xerox) a double-high double-wide font that I used for printing box
labels when I moved.

You could also do really nice graphics with it, at a resolution of
180 x 180.  CCSI (Cerritos Computer Systems Inc.) wrote a driver for
the P1351 for their CCSI-Plot (Plot-10 compatible) plotting package.
I can provide a copy of the software (in Fortran for PDP-11) and scans
of the manuals for both the software and printer, should you get one.

You can still buy ribbons for it, so it would be a really good choice.

Alan Frisbie

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