> On Mar 8, 2023, at 2:13 PM, Bill Degnan via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> There is ample evidence of people doing personal computing before the
> microprocessor was invented.  There was a whole terminal/time sharing scene
> in the late 60s, plus people who did personal computung by using the
> machine at a school, work, or library.  There were also people whonowned
> surplussed minicomputers who used them at home.  I think you should
> consider mentioning this somehow.
> Really, your video is about personal computers with a microprocessor
> installed.
> A person from the 70s would not look at computing the same as we do today.
> The larger consumer of "home computers" were doing engineering type work,
> not so much playing games.  Even the apple/tandy/commodore users.

Conversely, computer games predates home computers by a decade or so; the PLATO 
system is a major source of early games, documented in several places.


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