> On Mar 17, 2023, at 11:22 AM, Chuck Guzis <ccl...@sydex.com> wrote:
> Anent the Smotherman paper.  Woefully incomplete and inaccurate, but
> perhaps a starting point.
> https://people.computing.clemson.edu/~mark/interrupts.html

On interrupt coalescing (mentioned under "performance techniques"), an early -- 
perhaps first -- implementation is in the Electrologica X8.  It uses queues 
guarded by semaphores to communicate with the I/O coprocessor CHARON, and the 
interrupts delivered in response are also controlled by a semaphore.  The 
initial count of that semaphore specifies how many I/O operations to complete 
before an interrupt is done.  Its semaphores are constructed around a hardware 
primitive that adds a register to memory and delivers the result both to that 
memory location and to the register, interlocked via a read/modify/write core 
memory cycle.


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