May I suggest compatibility is like pregnancy – you either are or
you are not.

On Wed, 7 Jun 2023, Yeechang Lee via cctalk wrote:
Agreed. This is why every non-highly compatible MS-DOS computer, like the Tandy 2000 and TI Professional, failed versus IBM. Even if a buyer only intended to use Lotus—widely ported to various MS-DOS non-compatibles—he would always have in the back of his mind "What if I want to run something else? What if I need to give a disk with data to someone with IBM?"

I ended up with a couple of Toshiba T300? machines. 80 track drives, and it could read 360K disks, but not RE-write sectors properly, and its native 80 track format was unreadble on PC without additional software. It had CGA video, but with the CGA video memory at segment B000h, instead of the usual B800h. Commercial software would not do MONO direct video, bacause it saw that it was CGA, so it would try to write to segment B800h.

I easily configured PC-WRITE for the non-standard video address, and used them for a few years as dedicated word-processing logging machines.

Then, Toshib NMRI in Silicon Valley needed to be able to handle Toshiba 80 track format disks for communication with home office, so I gave the T300s to them.

Grumpy Ol' Fred       

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