On Wed, 22 Nov 2023, ED SHARPE via cctalk wrote:
Was there ever a COMPUTER using a 4004   that  you  cud  really  do  something 
or  did  tat finally arrive with the 8008  as  in the skelby shelby  sp? 8008 i 
now there  was an Intel   INTELIC 4 (?sp)    could n that  use 4004  or one of  
the  later 4000 numbered proc. We have an intelec 8 and 8 inch floppy  drives 
here at smecc musem .... always  wanted  a 4!Ed#

An absurd argument:
It could be argued that the 8085, rather than being designed from scratch was simply a modification of the 8080. Perhaps significant modifications, but nevertheless modifications, not redesign from scratch.

If we accept arguments such as that, then we could argue that Pentium is a modified 80486,
which is a modified 80386,
which is a modified 80286,
which is a modified 80186,
which is a modified 8086,
all the way down to the 4004  :-)

Most of those modifications were necessary for subsequent software, . . .
For example, Win3.00 could run on 8088/8086, but Win3.10 demanded A20, etc.

Therefore, it could be argued that Win11 can be run on a "heavily modified modified 

Motorola tended to redesign from scratch, whereas Intel would modify their previous design.

[I warned you that it was absurd]

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