On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 1:15 PM John Foust <jfo...@threedee.com> wrote:

> At 01:32 PM 5/22/2024, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
> >His and his wife
> >Gwen's (god rest her soul as well) personal collecting and the museum at
> >DEC was the basis for the Boston Computer Museum, which effectively went
> >west and became the Computer History Museum.
> He was quite sensitive about this.  I made the same mistake, referring
> to it as the "Boston Computer Museum."  He told me:
> "Let me be clear The Computer Museum (TCM) was NEVER called the
> Boston Computer Museum...  Boston was a temporary home when computing
> passed through New England, but the city itself gave nothing to it.
> ...  As a former collector, founder, and board member of the
> Digital Computer Museum > The Computer Museum >> current Computer History
> Museum
> (a name I deplore and that exists only because of the way the Museum left
> Boston)
> I have always been a strong advocate of getting as many artifacts into as
> many
> hands as possible, and this includes selling museum artifacts when
> appropriate.
> In essence a whole industry of museums and collectors is essential."
> - John

I appreciate the clarification.

I agree that it's a shame that the CHM couldn't be called TCM.  "Computer
History Museum" is a fairly awkward name.


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