Very good question!

On Sun, Jun 20, 2021, 4:44 AM Paul Birkel via cctech <>

> I know of two early computer (in the stored program sense) programming
> books.
>     1951: Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital Computer
> (Wilkes, Wheeler, & Gill)
>     1957: Digital Computer Programming (McCracken)
> What others were published prior to the McCracken text?
> Excluded are lecture compendia and symposia proceedings, such as:
>     1946: Moore School Lectures
>     1947: Proceedings of a Symposium on Large-Scale Digital Calculating
> Machinery
>     1951: Proceedings of a Second Symposium on Large-Scale Digital
> Calculating Machinery
>     1953: Faster Than Thought, A Symposium On Digital Computing Machines
> These were principally about designs for, and experience with, new
> hardware.
> I'm curious about texts specifically focused on the act of programming.
> Were there others prior to McCracken?
> paul

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